
Patient Experience and Healthcare Data Management

Patient Experience and Healthcare Data Management

Contact Information Tel: 01 235 5211
How to find us Admin Unit 2
Description of Service

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The NRH strives to provide patient centred care and stakeholder engagement is a vital part of this objective.

Feedback and Input from Stakeholders is gained through numerous ways. These include;

Comments and Suggestions: All comments and suggestions received are referred to the relevant Head of Service to be actioned or noted and passed onto staff as appropriate. Outcomes are reported back to contributors where they have provided contact details and are also reported in the Patients’ Newsletter.

uSPEQ Questionnaires: uSPEQ questionnaires are posted to patients three months post discharge (in line with CARF accreditation standards). Responses provide valuable insights into sustainable outcomes for patients who have completed their inpatient rehabilitation programme. This helps to measure effectiveness in terms of how well patients cope with transition into the community or new care setting, and in day to day life beyond the NRH. This also provides an opportunity to review services and implement required changes.

Patients Forum: Patients Forum meetings (chaired by a former patient) are held monthly with an invitation to all patients, family members and carers to attend. Meetings provide an opportunity for direct feedback and questions from patients and to update attendees on hospital business. All feedback is reviewed by Heads of Services, actioned where possible and updates are given verbally at Patient Forum meetings, in the Patient Newsletter ‘You Said – We Did’ section, or directly to the commenter.

Parents Forum: The Parents Forum meetings take place quarterly or more frequently as required. It is an opportunity for Parents of current Paediatric patients to engage with hospital management and give feedback on their child’s experience in the hospital, or raise any concerns they may have.

Complaints: The NRH values all feedback and views complaints as an opportunity to resolve issues and bring about corrective action, but also as an invaluable tool for planning future services. In line with national policy, the NRH aims to resolve as many complaints as possible at point of contact. The hospital seeks to meet complainants at an early stage to discuss the issues raised, with a written response being issued for formal complaints following investigation. Select link for more details on the NRH Complaints Process.

Corporate Data Management
Bed Occupancy and Delayed Transfers of Care are reported at the Daily Operational Safety Huddle. Activity levels versus targets are monitored and a monthly Corporate Patient Activity Report is provided for the Hospital Board and the HSE. Ongoing review of delays in transfer of care is conducted in order to manage waiting list numbers and to ensure quality and safety in patient care.

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Patient Information

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Inter-Agency Forum
The Inter-agency forum meet bi-monthly and members include representatives from key hospital services and the many support agencies that provide information and support for NRH patients following discharge from their rehabilitation programme. Agencies meet patients and families within the hospital on request and hold information sessions for patients on a regular basis.

Volunteer Service
NRH volunteers are engaged in a variety of tasks and activities including supporting music sessions, voice groups, quiz nights, karaoke, bingo and boccia. Volunteers also provide support for sports days, the patients’ Christmas party and music week. They also assist within the Therapeutic Garden and with the splinting clinic on a regular basis.  In addition, volunteers provide a ‘Meet and Greet’ service for patients and escort them between therapies. Volunteers also provide a ‘buddy’ service for patients who want to go for a chat and a coffee onsite.

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