
Prosthetic and Orthotic Service

Prosthetic and Orthotic Service

Contact Information Tel: 01 235 5469
How to find us NRH Cedars Building: Level 0
Description of Service

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The NRH has developed a specialist limb absence rehabilitation service for patients who have undergone amputation surgery or have congenital (present at birth) limb absence.

Prosthetic and Orthotic Services for the NRH Prosthetic, Orthotic and Limb Absence Rehabilitation (POLAR) Programme are delivered by our strategic partner, Ability Matters.  The Strategic Partnership Agreement continues to combine both national strategic oversight and governance across the POLAR Programme services.

The POLAR Programme includes the following servivces:

    • Comprehensive Integrated Inpatient Rehabilitation Programme and Day Patient Programme
    • Outpatient Rehabilitation Programme
    • Satellite Clinics based in four regional centres

Prosthetic Service

Prosthetics is the manufacture and fitting of artificial limbs (prostheses). Prostheses are fitted by Prosthestists, who are part of the Interdisciplinary Team.

Orthotics Service

The orthotics service operates across all of the rehabilitation programmes. Clinics operate daily serving both Inpatients and Outpatients. Our team of Orthotists practise in upper and lower limb as well as cranial and spinal orthotics. They combine traditional and modern scanning technology assessment methods providing premium bespoke quality devices.

Following patient assessments, the Orthotist prescribes devices suitable for a patient’s rehabilitation care. These orthotic devices can reduce pain, improve stability and assist patients’ recovery from injury. Our highly skilled team of technicians manufacture a wide range of bespoke orthotics by hand as well as utilising advanced robotic machinery.

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Patient Information

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If a Prosthetist and, or Orthotist is involved in your care, this may involve:


Prosthetics is the making and fitting of artificial limbs (prostheses). The Prosthestist, as a member of the Interdisciplinary Team, and will make and fit your artificial limb, and help you to learn the correct way to wear and use it safely.


Orthotics is the making and fitting of orthoses which are devices to correct a person’s physical posture and functional ability. Orthoses may include specialised footwear, ankle and knee supports. They can reduce pain, improve stability and assist your recovery from injury. The Orthotist will help you to learn how to wear your orthosis correctly.

Prosthestists and Orthotists also provide follow-up care post discharge, either in the Outpatient Clinic at NRH, or in one of the satellite clinics around the country.

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