
Urology Clinics

The Urology Service

The Urology Service is available to both Inpatients and Outpatients of the NRH. The service has been shaped around best practice, patients’ individual needs, and in line with the NRH policy of continuously improving our services. Patients are referred to this service from each of the Rehabilitation Programmes at the NRH, with the majority coming from the Spinal Cord System of Care.

Urology Clinics

The Urology Service includes the following Clinics:

Consultant Clinic

Consultant Urologist, Professor Robert Flynn, attends twice weekly, and provides clinics for both inpatients and outpatients at the NRH.

Nurse-led Urology Clinic

The Nurse-led clinic mainly addresses the needs of patients with spinal cord injury who have neurogenic bladder dysfunction. Most attend on an annual basis for review of the urinary tract. This service is provided in conjunction with the Radiology Department. Patients present with various needs to the nurse-led Urology Clinic and often require referral to the Rehabilitation Consultants, Multidisciplinary Clinics, Liaison Service, Sexual Health Service, Public Health Nurses or GP.

Urodynamics Clinic

The urodynamics clinic operates one morning a week for outpatients, with inpatient clinics scheduled as required.

Endoscopy Service

The Endoscopy Service includes Flexible Cystoscopy and Suprapublic Catheter (SPC) insertion:

Flexible Cystoscopy

This is a very valuable service for our patients who would otherwise have to wait for long periods to be seen in a general hospital. Our patients can be seen quickly and facilitated seamlessly at the NRH Urology Department by staff who are expierienced in managing neuro-urology care.

Suprapubic Catheter (SPC) Insertion

Suprapubic Catheter (SPC) insertion is performed using a flexible cystoscope. The urology department can provide this service for certain patients following careful assessment.  First change of catheter is also provided before referral for routine change is made to appropriate community professionals.  Education and training is facilitated for patients, carers, family members and healthcare professionals on the change of an SPC, catheter care and maintenance.


Education is provided at each clinic and, or arranged as a stand-alone appointment to meet the individual needs of each patient. It is essential to continue patient education post-discharge.

Telephone Service

Telephone communication is vital in providing information, support and advice to our patients, their families and health care professionals.  It is important in reducing complications and can be used to triage patients requiring review.  

You may contact the Urology Clinic with questions or concerns you have on: Tel: 01 235 5140

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