
Pastoral Care

The Chaplaincy Department plays a vital role in the overall aim of the hospital to serve our patients’ individual needs during their Rehabilitation Programme at NRH, and also the well-being of its Staff.

The hospital has a full time Chaplain. Ministers from the Church of Ireland Presbyterian Church visit the NRH regularly on a voluntary basis and Ministers of other faiths can be contacted as requested.

The chaplaincy is a support service which responds to the needs of all members of the hospital community, offering pastoral, spiritual and religious support; helping individuals and groups to express and deal with the issues that affect their lives.

The Liturgy Team

The liturgy team are a group of volunteers who work as Lectors or Eucharistic Ministers, and in the organising and provision of music.

Chapel Services

  • Mass is celebrated from Tuesday to Fridays at 10:00am and on Sundays at 10:30am
  • Chapel services are transmitted by video link TV on most wards for patients unable to attend the Chapel
  • Holy Communion continues to be distributed to patients on the wards three times a week
  • The Sacrament of the Sick is administered on the 2nd Wednesday of each month
  • Confessional and other services are arranged by request

Visiting Patients

The Chaplain visits patients on the wards at times that don’t impact on ward schedules. The Chaplain is available to meet with patients and relatives for private consultation as required.

Supporting Staff Members

The Chaplain plays an important role in the pastoral care of staff and is available to meet with them on request.

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