Your opinion is important to us – Your feedback helps us to continually improve our services
The National Rehabilitation Hospital is committed to providing the best possible standard of care to our patients. To make sure that we are doing our job well, we would like to hear from you about the services you have received from us.
We are always pleased to receive your compliments, comments and suggestions, however, if you are unhappy about any aspect of our service, please let us know immediately so we can address any issues that have given you cause for dissatisfaction. Information about ways to give your feedback, or how to make a complaint is detailed below.
If you would like support or assistance to give feedback or make a complaint, please contact the Patient Experience and Healthcare Data Manager:
Telephone: 01 235 5211 | Email:
How to pass on your Comments or Suggestions
Read more Comments or Suggestions: You can pass on your comments, suggestions or compliments in any of the following ways:- Verbally – by talking to a member of staff or contacting the Patient Experience and Healthcare Data Manager on tel: 01 235 5211 In Writing – you can post your comments or suggestions in any of the suggestion boxes placed around the hospital, or post to: The Patient Experience and Healthcare Data Manager By e-mail – please complete the ‘Have Your Say’ form below to provide general feedback. Show less
How to make a Complaint
Read more Complaints: Complaints can be made verbally or in writing. Verbal Complaints – if you find it difficult to speak to the person concerned, please talk to any member of staff, who will aim to resolve your concern immediately; or you may contact the Patient Experience and Healthcare Data Manager who will help you if you need assistance with the complaints process. Written complaints – If you have made a verbal complaint and are not satisfied with the outcome, you may send a formal written complaint to: The Patient Experience and Healthcare Data Manager, at the address above. We assure you that your complaint will not in any way adversely affect your present or future care. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the hospital’s investigation, you may ask to have the matter reviewed by an independent internal review panel from the HSE. If you are still dissatisfied following this review, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Ombudsman, please see contact details below: The Office of the Ombudsman: Tel: 01 639 5600. Website: The Ombudsman for Children’s Office: Tel: 01 865 6800. Website: Read or download the HSE Your Service Your Say document for advice on how to provide Comments, Compliments and Complaints to the HSE. Show less
Making a Complaint to the HSE
“Have Your Say”
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Your feedback is important to us; it helps us to continually improve our services.
National Rehabilitation Hospital
Rochestown Avenue,
Dún Laoghaire,
Co. Dublin,
A96 RPN4
Telephone: +353 (0)1 235 5000